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Remote Servers

Last edited by djgreen.

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Remote Servers

The ECE department has two remote access server farms (note these are not “clusters” but collections of servers) that are open to everyone within the department. These are primarily intended for academic usage, but we’re OK with researchers also using them as long as you don’t attempt to abuse them (aka, logging into multiple GRENDELs at once). -- collection of approximately a dozen RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 systems with around 64GB - 96GB RAM each. -- small farm of three GPU servers running RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 with 128GB of RAM and dual Nvidia Titan Xp GPU cards in each.

Both GRENDEL and HYDRA systems support FastX3.

Should you be working for a particular researcher, you’ll also be able to gain access to any research servers specific to their group. These will generally be more powerful, will provide local storage, and will certainly have less users sharing them. If you have access to one of these, we ask that you make use of it instead of the GRENDEL/HYDRA systems as our course resources are limited.

Each of these clusters are rebooted Monday morning.